Business & Medical Administration Courses
1300 540 497
Accredited Courses
Pre-Cert 3 Computer Skills Foundation Course
BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills
An Overview of BSB30120 - Certificate III in Business
BSB30120 - Certificate III in Business
BSB30120 - Certificate III in Business (Administration)
BSB30120 - Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration)
BSB30120 - Certificate III in Business (Customer Engagement)
HLT37315 Certificate III in Health Administration
Skill Sets
BSBSS00120 Administrative Assistant Skill Set
BSBSS00121 Medical Administration Skill Set
BSBSS00119 - Customer Service Skill Set
BSBSS00126 - Contact Centre Skill Set
Single Units of Competency
Single units
Computer courses
Beginner courses
Starter Package - Level 1
Starter Package - Level 2
Microsoft Courses
Microsoft Excel Courses
Microsoft Word Courses
Microsoft Powerpoint Courses
Microsoft Project Courses
Microsoft Outlook Courses
Accounting Software courses
Xero Accounting
MYOB Accounting
The Virtual Delivery Mode
Short course booking form
Onsite Training
Specialty Courses
The Art of Confidence Online Course
The School Suite of Short Courses
Professional Development Online Courses
Contact Us
Extension Request Form
VET Coordinators or parents
Please complete this form for a student who has expressed an interest in one of our VET courses. This is all the information we need to contact the student and proceed to enrolment.
Thank you.
Indicates required field
VET coordinator's name
VET coordinator's email address
Full name of student
Student's email address:
Student's mobile number:
Course name:
BSB30120 - Certificate III in Business
BSB30120 - Certificate III in Business (Administration)
BSB30120 - Certificate III in Business (Customer Engagement)
BSB30120 - Certificate III in Business (Medical Administration)
HLT37315 - Certificate III in Health Administration
Preferred start
As soon as possible
Next week
Details of parents or guardians. Please include full names, email address and mobile numbers.
Regarding the fee, will the parent be paying upfront or on the payment plan?
Payment Plan
If the student is doing BSB30120 Certificate III in Business (no stream), please select their four electives from the list below:
BSBTEC303 - Create Electronic Presentations
BSBFIN302 - Process Financial Transactions (don't choose this unit if you don't have access to a Windows PC)
BSBTEC201 - Use Business Software Applications
BSBOPS304 - Deliver and Monitor a Service to Customers
BSBOPS303 - Organise Schedules
BSBMED301 - Interpret and apply medical terminology appropriately
Other information we need to know about this student?
Thank you for completing this form. We will contact your student direct regarding their enrolment. Your information is safe. Privacy and security are our priority.